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The AYEDOS Sustainable Afforestation (ASA) project focuses on afforestation as a climate change response. It procures land, employs locals, establishes nurseries with organic fertilizer, and creates forests for carbon sequestration. Carbon credits will be traded, generating continuous revenue for local land and labour  providers and thus aligning and sustaining incentives for green growth. ASA also leverages blockchain technology to offer tokenized investment opportunities.



1. Procure Land

ASA secures land for afforestation through agreements with entities like the Kany Forestry Service.


2. Procure Labor
Labor, primarily from local communities, is hired for various roles within the project.


3. Procure Fertilizer, Seeds, and Develop Nurseries

ASA sets up nurseries with appropriate seeds, utilizing the organic Humuson Complex fertilizer.


4. Planting
Seedlings are placed into biodegradable pots and mechanically planted into the ground.

5. Maintenance

Activities such as pruning and geospatial mapping are used to maintain and monitor the trees.


6. Equity/Stakeholder Management

Equity in the project is managed using a Digital Autonomous Organization (DAO).


7. Marketing and Selling of Carbon Credits

Carbon credits from the afforestation are marketed and sold.


8. Securitization and Tokenization


Environmental Impact

ASA contributes significantly to afforestation, promoting biodiversity, and helping to combat climate change by acting as a carbon sink.

Sustainable Income for Communities
The project is structured to provide continuous income streams for local communities through regular payments for labor and land use, as well as through shares of carbon credit revenue.


Economic Development

By employing local labor and engaging with local farmers through the out-grower system, ASA stimulates local economies, creates jobs, and promotes sustainable agricultural practices.


Investment Opportunities

The project offers global citizens and organizations an opportunity to invest in positive climate action through a structured, potentially lucrative model involving tokenization of project equity and carbon credits.


Technology and Innovation

The use of DAOs and tokenization represents a pioneering approach to stakeholder engagement and financial management in afforestation projects, potentially serving as a model for similar initiatives globally.

By involving local communities in the afforestation process, the project also serves as a platform for education and skill-building in sustainable agriculture and forestry management.



Lays the foundation for a successful sustainable afforestation project, promotes local employment, and engages local communities.



Ensures the health and success of the growing forest, leading to carbon sequestration and biodiversity enhancement.



Allows for the economic benefits of the project to be realized, through the sale of carbon credits and potentially other revenue streams, and rewards both local communities and global investors involved in the project.

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